Prana is how to say breath in Sanskrit. It translates to "life force."
Our Teachers use these breathing techniques for calm and focus. Remember to keep it fun, short and be patient. Young yogis can try these 5 ways to breathe and help their bodies feel good.
1. Candle Breathing
How to do it:
Have the child imagine they are blowing out a candle.
Ask them to take a deep breath in through the nose, and then gently exhale through the mouth as if they are blowing out a candle.
Encourage them to imagine the candle flame flickering softly as they exhale.
You can add an element of fun by asking them to pretend it’s their birthday and they’re blowing out candles on a cake.
Benefits: Calming, encourages gentle and controlled exhalation.
2. Balloon Breathing
How to do it:
Ask the child to sit comfortably and imagine they are inflating a balloon.
Instruct them to take a slow, deep breath in through the nose, imagining the belly, chest, and lungs expanding like a balloon.
Once they’ve taken in a full breath, ask them to slowly exhale through the mouth as if letting the air out of the balloon.
Repeat a few times, making the “balloon” bigger with each breath.
Benefits: Helps with deep belly breathing, focus, and relaxation.
3. Flower Breath
How to do it:
Ask the child to sit comfortably and imagine they are holding a flower in their hands.
Instruct them to breathe in slowly through the nose, imagining they are smelling the flower.
As they exhale, they can pretend to blow gently on the flower, making the petals flutter.
You can also suggest the child makes a soft “sss” sound while exhaling.
Benefits: It helps cool the body down and promotes relaxation.
4. Bumblebee Breath
How to do it:
Ask the child to sit comfortably and close their eyes.
Instruct them to take a deep breath in through the nose.
While exhaling, have them make a gentle buzzing sound like a bumblebee, with their lips lightly closed.
You can also encourage them to place their fingers on their ears to amplify the sound, as the vibrations can be calming.
Benefits: Reduces stress, calms the mind, and improves focus.
5. Snake Breath
How to do it:
Sit comfortably with the back straight.
Instruct the child to take a deep breath in through the nose.
As they exhale, encourage them to make a hissing sound, like a snake.
The exhale should be forceful, but the inhale should be relaxed and passive.
Start slowly and gently, doing a few rounds at a time.
Benefits: Energizes the body and mind, improves focus and lung strength.
Try 'em! And let us know which methods your family enjoys using and when.